Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Life's Rich Pageant, Green, Monster, nothing compared to DOCUMENT (-ing intangible cultural heritage)

Two things to note about this week's QOW's (gosh, a vernacular has emerged):
  1. Difficult to keep them as anonymous as other ones, once the presentations start.
  2. Lots o' lazy, non-question-of-the-week-answerin' slackers around at the end of the semester.

* sniff * disappointed

With the topic of my project (Toronto Maple Leafs & Leafs Nation) the method I used for documetation in a perfect world was on the lower end of the scale. But since we live in reality and not fantasy my method was absolutely perfect, for the sole reason that I was able to conduct an interview via MSN Messenger,where if I wanted to do anything else I’d have to pretty much travel to Toronto.

Write the project down, and print it on the paper, then document it by paper. Besides, in my project there will be an interview, it can be record on the tape. But both me and the interviewee are not an English speaking people, thus there are might be some pronunciation mistake or problem, because of that, transcript some of the important parts is necessary.

For my project of the semester I have decided to document my information through quantitative research. Considering that I am dealing with the women’s basketball team of CBU I have found it really helpful to document information through interviews but also even in observing their behaviour through video tapings of practice and even their social lives. Needless to say there are many really useful methods of documenting the information I have derived but video taping seems to be the best choice because there is so much more that can be captured on tape and essentially I don’t have to remember as much information in my head. I have it all in front of me.

For my paper, I think that the best form of documentation would be a bibliography including all the sources I have cited for my paper. I haven’t decided yet, but I think it will be done In MLA format. I don’t like using footnotes so they won’t be used at all, so they won’t be included.

One, two, three. I got it!! The answer to this weeks question goes like this.The project that I am doing is How the Japenese Culture truly differs from ours as Canadians. I went in depth on an interview with the wonderful person that I am doing my project on; this wonderful person is Chisato. She is oringally from Japan and came to Cape Breton to study, she love sit here. I had the great honor to being able to meet her in the beginning of 2006 and this is first and foremost the reason why I chose to do my project on her culture. I have to say that I find interviewing is the greatest perception when doing a project on something or someone to get their views on what they have to say for them to express their information and for you to learn. In other words learning new ideas while communicating with the person who you are focusing your project upon. If I had another chose to choose from I would do the ethnography. This would following the person(s) around and taking in details from them by writing down the time and place minute by minute when changes are made.Above all; I would have to say that interviewing is not only the most interesting but I find it gives the most detailed information for whenever you need to do a research paper on a topic that “tickles your fancy”!!

I think that the best methods for documenting my activity would either be an interview or an ethnography. I think with these methods, it allows me to obtain alot more information than something like photography. I even think that just doing the interview would provide me with more information than the ethnography. It would allow me to have more things to talk about in my paper.

As you probably know from my past paper proposal, I chose to do the“Aging Gracefully Group.” This group is something that my grandmother is inalong with other aging woman. I think the best way to document my project isby using other books to back my project up. Other books like things on“woman’s groups” or books on woman aging could benefit me and help with theprocess of backing my paper up. Books are very good for documentationbecause it can help you and other develop an understanding on what myproject is about. Another way of documentation that I plan to use is andinterview with my grandmother. Being in the group that I am doing theproject on, she can be the primary source on understanding what the group isabout in general. Asking her questions about my paper will also benefit mebecause it can help me explain her folk group and makes everything that Iwrite accurate in a sense.

When considering my project I would say the best method for documenting information about the groups activity would be to ask questions in an interview style and record the answers. Since the group I am focusing on is more of an organiztion it would be useful to speak with a member and get their insight on how the organization operates and in what ways the members interact with one and other.

The best method to document the activity covered by my topic was an interview as well as some visual observations. Since my topic was the Toronto Maple Leafs fan group, it seemed appropriate to question two members of my acquaintance that are a large part of this group. While I asked these questions I made visual observations as to what the surroundings offered and if this, in fact, contributed to the topic.

The best methods for my Polish Dancing project would be a Ethnography and a Photography. I picked these methods because in an Ethnography, you write down every little detail and everything that you see or think that its important to put down. When I went to the Polish Valentines Dance at the Polish hall, I did that exact thing. I noticed everything around me, what they were wearing, how people were talking, the food, colors, music etc... Photography is also a very good method to use especially when you take pictures of the different costumes and dances Polish dancers do and wear. So Polish dancing its self is easier to document by these 2 methods.

The method that would be best for documenting my particular group (activity)of focus would be to attend one of the activities and observe people doingstuff at said activity.

Given the fact that my project is on the informal book club my mother runs, the best course for documenting my project would be through observation and interviews. Since the members of the "club" are all in my family and the meetings usually take place at home it is easy to contact the members to ask them questions and even to sit in on a meeting if I wanted to.

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