Thursday, March 29, 2007

Revised date for final asignment

Because I am so awesome, and although you do not deserve me, I have extended the deadline for the final assignment to absolutely, positively, without a doubt, crossing the line of death should it be violated, categorically, unquestionably, definitely, poke a needle in my eye should I lie, NO LATER than Midnight, Atlantic Standard Time, April 10th, 2007. There is a heapin' mess of you little ingrates this year, and I need time to plow though them all.

Those of you who submit later will be confined to the fiery pits of hell.

  • Printers can not have run out of toner...
  • Disks/jump drives can not be 'I dunno, something just happened'-ed...
  • People cannot not be available for interviews...
  • Stores can not be out of paper...
  • Ankles can not be twisted...
  • Grandparents can not die...
And so forth.

As always, there are three acceptable delivery methods:
  1. Putting it right in my hot little hands
  2. E-mailing it to me as an attachment (in something sensible like Microsoft Word or WordPerfect, preferably not Works or something crappy like that, and definitely nothing bizarro other-world like WordStar or PageMaker)
  3. Slipping it under my door in a large envelope

You are all grown-ups, so I won't insult you by telling you to make sure your name is on it. but you know i want to

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