Thursday, January 10, 2008

Greetings, 2008-ers, to the land of Intro to Folklore II!

For those who missed the class and thus the question when asked, you can find it here: I am presuming that you, or a loved one, died or nearly died, otherwise you would certainly have been in class.

Identify something that you do that is 'traditional' (and, explain what it is that makes it 'traditional').
Read Chapter 10 of the Introduction for next class (Wilson's "Documenting Folklore"). Today was another fun-time cavalcade of figuring out what this crazy thing called folklore is.

Feel free, while (if) you're here, to snoop around and look at some of the things from last year: it may give a sense about where the class is going, for those who are still frightened by all the rambling.

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