Thursday, January 31, 2008


Another question, another week:
If (and when) you've had a job, when did you realise that you were 'good' at it?
What's implied in this question? I guess the understanding that beyond the mastery of a set of particular skills is a recognition of same by co-workers, a pattern of 'fluency', and - ultimately - that a 'good worker' is identified as having acheived a certain status within the group.

When I asked a question last year for this topic, I queried: At your job, have you ever been taught a technique (a way of doing something to make the work easier, more interesting, more efficient) by a co-worker as opposed to more formal training? If you are really stumped by the above question, I recommend thinking it through this lens.

And, if you haven't had a job - which as far as I'm concerned includes such things as being a babysitter, a structured past-time with skills and responsibilities like a sports team, and even being a student - well, nicely done.

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